Academic Scholarships ~ Becas Académicas

Welcome and Congratulations on your upcoming Graduation!  The Mexican Heritage Society of Port Arthur Texas is proud of all the students graduating in Southeast Texas but we are especially excited for all of the students who embody Mexican and Mexican-American Heritage and their future educational goals.  Below you will find a link to the scholarship application. Review it thoroughly and read it in it's entirety.   Fill it out and have it postmarked by the date specified on the application.  No hand delivered or late applications will be accepted.  Good Luck!

¡Bienvenido y Felicitaciones por su próxima Graduación! La Mexican Heritage Society de Port Arthur Texas está orgullosa de todos los estudiantes que se gradúan en el sudeste de Texas, pero estamos especialmente entusiasmados con todos los estudiantes que encarnan la herencia mexicana y mexicano-americana y sus metas educativas futuras. A continuación encontrará un enlace a la solicitud de beca. Revisarlo a fondo y leerlo en su totalidad. Llénelo y haga que el matasellos lo indique la fecha especificada en la solicitud. Ninguna entrega a mano o solicitudes tardías serán aceptadas. ¡Buena suerte!


1. Applicant must have at least one parent of Mexican descent.

2. Applicant must be a graduating senior of the current year in Southeast Texas or an active member of the Mexican Heritage Society dancers.

3. Applicant must show financial need credentials

4. Applicant must be in the top 5% - 25% of his/her graduating class.

5. Applicant must turn in 2 pictures (wallet size)(same pose) with application.

6. Applications must be postmarked on or before application deadline.  Please mail your application to:
     Mexican Heritage Society
     Attn: Scholarship Committee
     P.O. Box 1669
     Groves, TX 77619

7. Applicant scholarship will be sent directly to the school of the applicant's choice upon enrollment of the fall semester. (Must send in applicants social security number, students school number and class schedule to receive scholarship)

8. Applicant scholarship will become effective upon documents of college enrollment of your choice at the beginning the fall semester must be at least 12 hours. If the recipient does not utilize any of the scholarship within one year following their High School graduation, the balance will revert to the Mexican Heritage Society Scholarship fund.


Will receiving a scholarship affect my financial aid?
No, But a scholarship is considered part of the financial aid packet. Since your financial aid packet cannot exceed your financial aid, other forms of financial aid may be reduced.

Do I have to be a full-time and degree seeking student to receive this scholarship?
Yes, you have to be in order to receive this scholarship.

What is the process for selecting recipients and when will I know if I am chosen for a scholarship?
A committee selected by the Mexican Heritage Society will review all applications and conduct personal interviews.
Our scholarship committee will be making calls to schedule your interview time.

What if I turn in my application late?
No applications will be accepted after the deadline.  Your application MUST be postmarked and delivered to us by mail.  NO HAND-IN APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

If I am chosen for a scholarship, how and when will I receive the award and when can I use it?
The Mexican Heritage Society of Port Arthur, Texas will hold an award ceremony in the recipients honor. It is then you will receive further instructions on how to claim your scholarship.

Congratulations to Our 2024 Scholarship Recipients!

​¡Felicitaciones a Nuestros Becarios 2024!​​

Arlene Hernàndez~Valentin Chavez~Horacio Garcia~Alyssa Garsea

Mexican Heritage Society Port Arthur, TX